The encryption process helps encode data to make it unusable and unreadable to prying eyes unless the user has its decryption key. Endpoint encryption protects the operating system from installing Evil Maid attacks and locks data files stored on devices and servers, and other endpoints to prevent unauthorized users from accessing this data.
Endpoint encryption defends devices against various threats. It can prevent attackers from accessing sensitive data on any and all devices. It provides several cybersecurity solutions, no matter what circumstances occur or how an attacker gains physical access to a device. In short, the attacker won’t be able to install malware or retrieve information from a device.

Endpoint Encryption from Microsoft Bitlocker
BitLocker Drive Encryption is a data protection feature that integrates with the operating system and addresses the threats of theft or exposure from lost, stolen, or inappropriately decommissioned computers.Endpoint encryption solutions provide multiple benefits, including:
Malware Defense
The Full-Stack Encryption system controls the whole device. Without a password, a user can’t access or decrypt anything, thus ensuring no malicious code or content is implemented on the device.
Data Security
An endpoint encrypted device makes it impossible for an attacker to access internal information even if they have access to the physical device.
Regulatory Compliance
Integrating endpoint encryption on devices that contain classified information protected by data protection regulations can help achieve compliance.

Types of Endpoint Encryption
The difference lies at the point where encryption is applied between the endpoint encryption types. These types are:
Full-Disk Encryption: This encrypts the entire drive using the same settings, encryption algorithm, and secret key. The secret key remains stored on the device that can be accessed when the user successfully logs into the system. With just the secret key, the user can decrypt all files present in the device.
File Encryption: This encrypts selected files. As a result, a user can define which files they want to encrypt, providing granular control.
Endpoint encryption ensures that only authorized users gain access to allowed devices and the sensitive information they contain, eliminating the chances of a breach from physical threats.